Short-Term Foster Care

Short term foster care involved the provision of care for a child or children, separated from their birth family, on a short term basis. The reasons a child may require care are varied but can include parental illness, substance misuse or the neglect or abuse of a child.

As this fostering type is short term, it is utilised with the plan that the child or young person will move back to their birth family. Supporting children in their transition home to their family is a crucial part of short term foster carers role. At times, children may also move on to a long term care placements in line with their needs as assessed by Tusla.

Short term placements can last for anything from days to weeks or even months

As with all of our fostering placements, short term placements benefit from all of the same support services that Orchard Fostering have to offer and the process in becoming a short term foster carer is the same process for each type of foster care, which you can read more about here.

If you feel you would be able to offer a short-term placement to a child or young person, you can contact us today by filling out the below form. We look forward to hearing from you.

Fostering Types

types of fostering care enquiries

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If you have any further questions about fostering talk to us. You can give us a call on 01-627 5713 or request a call back using the contact form on this page.


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