Respite Foster Care

When one foster family temporarily cares for another family’s foster children, this is respite foster care. It gives the children’s original foster family a bit of a break, also referred to as ‘a respite’. In some scenarios respite carers provide care to children living with their birth family. Orchard fostering is seeking respite foster carers to respond to the needs of children already in care placement with Orchard Fostering.

Where a foster child or foster family are under stress or there is a situation such an illness or bereavement, a respite break gives support and time out to all concerned. The duration and timing of respite breaks vary greatly, with some taking place during the week, at weekends or others for longer periods as required, dependent on the needs of each family.

If a placement is at risk of breaking down or where planned breaks are part of the child’s care plan, a respite family is identified. By having regular, identified respite foster carers, this helps ensure a child can experience consistency of care and become familiar with their respite carer/family.

It is important that respite foster carers have the time, energy and patience required to provide respite care for these children and young people, for the duration they require. Respite care is usually scheduled in advance, however flexibility is also required in this role as care can be required at short notice or as arises for the foster family or child.

It is possible to provide respite to a child or young person, if you have another placement and you are approved for this by your foster care committee.

Here, you can read about the experiences of the different types of placements from some of our current foster carers.

If you would like to find out more about respite fostering, please fill out the form below and a member of Orchard Fostering will be in touch.

Fostering Types

types of fostering care enquiries

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If you have any further questions about fostering talk to us. You can give us a call on 01-627 5713 or request a call back using the contact form on this page.


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