Fostering Allowance Breakdown

You will receive an allowance each week to support the foster child in your home. Fostering allowances for all foster carers are set by the Minister for Children.

How Much Do Foster Parents get Paid in Ireland?

The basic fostering allowance for children placed with Orchard Fostering is currently up to €377 per week for each foster child. This allowance enables you to meet the needs of the foster child. As some foster children have more challenging needs and requirements we can request enhanced payments from TUSLA in specific circumstances. As well as the payment that you will receive, we also provide unrivalled training, paid IFCA membership, our Orchard Foundation initiative and other supports to each and every one of our carers.

Update: November 2024

The Irish Government, in recognition of the work done by foster carers and the cost of living crisis, have made provisions to increase the fostering allowance by a further €50 per child per week in November 2024. 

What does the allowance cover?

It’s intended to cover all the needs of each foster child including food, clothing, travel, special occasions such as birthdays and Christmas, holidays camps and other activities etc. We provide clear guidance on how you can best spend the money so that the child has a healthy, happy and balanced life.

If I am working, does this affect my fostering allowance?

No, any professional earnings are separated to your fostering allowance. Working and earning a salary will not effect the fostering allowance you receive. This is one of the benefits of fostering. You can find out more about fostering and working here

Will I be taxed on the allowance?

In general, foster carers are exempt from paying tax on the fostering allowance under the Finance Bill 2005. It also means that the money you receive is not usually classed as income when applying for certain benefits
However, we recommend that you consult with the Department of Social Protection for confirmation on this.

If I am renting, does this affect my fostering allowance?

No, this will not effect your fostering allowance. The fostering payment (or allowance) of €352 per week for each child is to cover the costs of fostering and the child’s needs. For more information on renting and fostering visit here

What are you entitled to when fostering?

The current weekly allowance is €352 per week for each foster child. It’s intended to cover all the needs of each foster child including food, clothing, travel, special occasions such as birthdays and Christmas, holidays camps and other activities etc. We provide clear guidance on how you can best spend the money so that the child has a healthy, happy and balanced life. If you are renting or working and fostering the costs do not contribute towards these expenses. Please see Orchard Fostering for more information on renting and working as a foster carer.

Does the fostering wages cover rent?

No, the fostering allowance cover the needs of the child. For more information on fostering and renting please see our blog on Can I foster if I am renting?

How much money do you get for fostering a child if retired?

The same for all foster carers the current weekly allowance is €352 per week for each foster child. The fostering allowance covers the needs of the child and covers the costs of fostering. For more information on fostering and retirement please see our blog on Can retired couples foster? We would like to hear from you!

How much do foster parents get paid Ireland

The current fostering weekly wages is €352 per week for each foster child. This will cover the cost of fostering and covers the fostering salary.

Am i still entitled to the fostering allowance if you work

Yes, the fostering allowance covers the needs of the child and covers the costs of fostering. For more information on fostering and working please see our blog on fostering and working can I do it?

Will the fostering allowance affect my benefits?

See for more information – or Contact Us –

Talk to us and find out more

If you have any further questions about fostering talk to us. You can give us a call on 01-627 5713 or request a call back using the contact form on this page.


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