A child-centred service

Established in 2008, we are the largest Irish-owned independent foster care agency

We provide a 24/7/365 call service for our carers, so that they can access the support they need at any time of day or night

Through our multidisciplinary team of childcare professionals, we offer specialised support services to give each placement the best chance of success and to enable positive change to be achieved

We provide regular training, support groups and extensive social care support for our carers and their foster children, providing support and valuing our community

We are the only agency with a dedicated assessment team, which means the assessment and training to become a foster carer can be completed within than four months if that is suitable for you

As well as foster care, we are the most extensive provider of supported lodgings; this provides a service to young people and opens up traditional fostering to a wider audience.

Established in 2008

Orchard Fostering was established in 2008; since then we have become the largest Irish-owned independent provider of high quality independent foster care services.

Our vision is a child-centred service.

Our goal is to recruit and support carers who can care for children and young people who cannot live with their birth parents for a period of time.

Our mission is our dedication and genuine passion for child welfare and supporting carers.

We pride ourselves on knowing our carers and recognising the contribution they make towards a lasting difference in the lives of the children and young people in their care.

More than a decade later we have close to a hundred wonderful foster carer families that provide excellent care to their foster children.

Our staff have grown too over the period and we now have a multi-disciplinary team of over 30 staff.

We have heavily invested in building our therapeutic and multidisciplinary team to provide necessary wrap-around services for the children in our care.

We are proud to have a fully staffed Social Care team, Play Therapist, Education Support Officer, Psychotherapist, Occupational Therapist and Behavioural Specialists.

young person foster agency fun with mum

We work closely with Tusla the Child and Family Agency and other organisations that support young people.

We are keen to expand our services and are always looking to recruit new foster carers. If you or someone you know is interested in fostering with us talk to us today.

We’d love to hear from you and so if you’re free give us a call now on 01-627 5713. Alternatively submit your details and we’ll call you back.


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